Oprah Winfrey is Evil
That's right folks I think Oprah Winfrey is evil. I 've noticed when I say this I get very weird responses from people. First they look at me like I am crazy then " oh no you can't be serious" Yeah I think I am.
AT first let me say as a child, teenager, and early twenties I watched Oprah and I noticed a growing trend of her gaining more and more power over people. I mean think about it she is telling us what to read, what foundations to donate to, how to decorate your house, what people to idolize,a and there is more.
First my friends mentioned that the domain name Oprah is Evil was open so I bought it. But after thinking about it twenty minutes later I got scared of getting hate mail and viruses in my computer. And my friend Nancy said if it comes to that you stop but I said no that would be proof of her evil dominion and people would need to be aware of it.
I used to say Oprah was evil for attention but the more I think about it she really is.
AT first let me say as a child, teenager, and early twenties I watched Oprah and I noticed a growing trend of her gaining more and more power over people. I mean think about it she is telling us what to read, what foundations to donate to, how to decorate your house, what people to idolize,a and there is more.
First my friends mentioned that the domain name Oprah is Evil was open so I bought it. But after thinking about it twenty minutes later I got scared of getting hate mail and viruses in my computer. And my friend Nancy said if it comes to that you stop but I said no that would be proof of her evil dominion and people would need to be aware of it.
I used to say Oprah was evil for attention but the more I think about it she really is.
At 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Can't help but agree, you would enjoy an article about Oprah on Dailycents.com, it's similar to yours, the direct link to the article is http://blogs.dailycents.com/?p=775
At 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I absolutely, positively agree with you but the sad truth is I don't that Oprah even realizes it.
At 12:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
She is evil...and is puting her money to hurt people.....she is evil but why follow her?
At 2:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oprah and her demonstrable charity is just a witness to her hypocrisy. When giving to charity it is said to do it in private with no expectation for recognition, much less being regarded as some earthly type of deity. But Oprah in her grandiose style has to have the spotlight on her whenever she gives anything away. She is so arrogant, she portrays a wholesome, meek, righteous Christian who wants others to follow her example. But her style contradicts the way true Christians are expected to behave in the eyes of the Triune God. Do not follow people like her! There are people like Oprah and Barack Obama whether you agree with me or not that are so charismatic and speak with such great yet subtle deception that people follow their lead without judging them according to a higher power or a higher law! Americans these days are foolish, lazy and apathetic! I'm included to a certain degree in the masses as well! I'm no hypocrite. But I do try to make an effort to become educated and to spread the word to others about people like Oprah and politicians of our nation as well as other nations. There is a great subterfuge going on and the great majority of people are unaware that certain elements are in place for a new world order. I'm not a conspiracist. I'm a realist. Do your homework and fight the good fight!
At 12:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's simple! She knows...just like any other business...the more you spend! The more you make! She only enriches herself by giving money away. And she pretends to be a christian! Real heroes do good and shy away from reward.
Love of Money...root of all evil!
At 11:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
I dont so much think she is the spawn of the devil, I just think represents whats wrong with the civilized world and that her movment with be the end of the human race.
Stop telling my girlfriend I am an asshole. Just because I am not a metrosexual, who reads books that cant afford to pay her off and is obsessed with judging everything.
She has to much influence over the mostvulnerble minds, the hopless, heartless zombie that is watching tv at 4 on a weekday.
To hell with them and there god.
(there god being oprah)
In fact maby she is the spawn of satin.
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's what I've been saying for years! I totally agree with you. She donates, but she does not sacrifice. She has so much more money to give to help so many other people, yet, she chooses to keep too much for one person. She chooses to live in mulitple houses. One house could pay for several underpriveleged children to go to college and post graduate college! It is disgusting how much money she has. She has so much power over women who have been taught their whole lives that they cannot think for themselves, and instead of teaching them how, she commands that they should believe what she believes. Evil.
At 9:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Keep up the good work. Hopefully some will realize how evil she is, and her popularity will begin to decline.
Now that Barack is in the White House, the possibility of him being the antichrist and Oprah the false prophet may be all too true.
I hope not, but we will know soon.
At 10:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
SHUT UP OPRAHaterz! You know why oprah helps those in need under the spotlight? It is because she want others to follow her footsteps. I mean HELLO!! use your tiny brain cells! If Oprah will donate in private..how can she actually set an example? She only wanted to motivate people to help those in need-and doing it under the spotlight is one and very effective way.
At 11:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
I totally disagree! Oprah does announced charitable works-true but she also help people privately. I must know...im am one of the recipient of her good deeds(which was done privately)
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
If oprah is evil,then what are you?Satan maybe..
At 4:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Have you noticed how her appearance has changed. She is starting to look like the MOTHER OF NIMROD(wife).
Money and Power corrupts.
She got it all by falling into the lie "all roads lead to God"!
I feel sorry for her.
She is either deceived or evil.
At 11:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
You guys are so jealous. Pathetic.
I don't watch TV at 4pm so I don't have time to care one way or another about this person.
What about you?
At 3:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Im nt an oprah fan, but who r u 2 judge? Wot has she done thats so 'evil', besydz give publicly which isnt evil, maybe selfish intermz of wanting 2 be notice d (which is human), bt nt evil?
At 3:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
no, moreover if Oprah didn't donate publicly, how would she get about, eh,•3.2 of whatever she gave away,answered {SHUT UP OPRAHaters}.
she controls America's literature track, lawn ideals, an international broadcasting station, and mental helpings like a computer mouse as it is.WhAT's next??? the world's power supply???the superpower countries congressmen???OuR mInDs?!!?!!?11
thanks very much and have a wonderful evening
At 7:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
evil mite be harsh, but knowingly supporting a man who was groomed to be the next president for 30 years, getting all her faithful t.v zombies to vote for this guy and back up his lies is overly suspicous. dont believe me? watch "the obama deception" or google it and educate yourselves. even research the facts in the doco and decide. its a free world...... for now:)
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
She denied Christ and Jesus on national tv. Jesus said if you deny Him in the presence of others then he will deny you before the Father. It is a dangerous thing to follow blindly
At 2:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
EVIL....disgusiing as good. The bible says satan can appear as a angel of light. Oprahs obsession...that is what it is with Obama is truly a isgnal that the end is near.
Oprah denies Christ is trying to create her own religion....read revelation....it is all there!
At 10:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Please read this weeks Newsweek article on Oprah. Apparently, Satin's child likes to promote quack medicine.
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ask yourselves why Oprah has attended secretive Bilderberg Group meetings...
nuff said
At 3:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oprah commands you!!!
All bow down.
At 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
WOW!! To the anonymous person that wrote at 2:05pm...it couldn't have been said any better! I'm totally with you!!
At 3:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
...and for the record... I do know the correct spelling is "Throne".... consider the pun...
At 2:10 PM,
Unknown said…
my best friend watches a lot of oprah...and during the election of 08 she was all for obama...she really influenced a lot of house moms...well anywho, she has a lot of opinions and she is fillin a lot of people with her views....looks like brainwashing to me....
At 8:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Based on my personal experience, I totally agree. Power monger, manipulative staff & rigged topics & discussion edited to suit their need for sensationalism. No respect left for her or her show...
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I live under such a mentality of tyranny.
the thought of such a person with such money and power fills my heart with despair and makes me weep for the future generations that will have too clean up her aftermath.
God save us from Oprah Winfrey.
At 9:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
New Age religion, ecumenical movement? Oprah is evil.........do some research, dig deeper and you'll find out, maybe they can cover up all their wickedness for now, but when the day comes everybody will witness their abomination, they cannot hide the truth forever.
At 3:04 AM,
Unknown said…
I am happy to announce that Jesus Christ is on the Earth as we speak. his name is Brian Golightly Marshall and he is the re-incarnation of our lord Jesus Christ.. his YouTube channel is --> " MichelleNye " please check out his channel. he can cure all diseases known to man and have perform numerous miracles daily. he is the true YAHWEH and he is here on the earth to save all mankind, he is the true bloodline of king David as the king of kings the lord of lords. please spread the word. Thank-You
At 9:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
You all should watch Walter Veith's video's at this link: http://amazingdiscoveries.tv/c/47/Medium_Quality/
Anyway this guy talks about all of the false teachings by the Catholic church, False prophets, etc. He even states musical people who have sold their soul's to Lucifer. Anyway, Veith is a man who is blessed by God/Jesus Christ. I was asleep before I started to watch these videos. Many Many Many leaders today are part of the plan to fool us all into following the Pope and Lucifer. If you don't believe me then do the research yourself.
Remember...YOU WILL be held accountable in the end of days. You better educate yourself NOW before you get fooled as well. The Bible states that even his elect will be fooled because they weren't studying and watching the signs of the end.
At 10:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
The BIBLE teaches that when Jesus Christ comes to this earth, HE will NOT touch the ground with his feet!!! He will not touch the ground with his feet until the earth has been completely destroyed and made new again. Also EVERY EYE will see Jesus Christ come in the clouds.
Before you guys go to sleep please look up these text's in the BIBLE... Please look up each one so you don't get fooled!!!
Matthew 24:5
Revelation 1:7
1 Thessalonians 4:16
At 7:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Look Oprah's not evil but she does harm without realizing it, she helps people that is true but her influence is harmful to the masses. People will follow her just because of her popularity and widespread acceptance. This will take away the freedom of the individuals who listen to her and let her decide things for them. Freedom of choice is our greated gift, and when people squander it by letting others decide something for them, that is not right. Its not entirely oprahs fault, but she should stress that people have their own ideals and not just follow hers
At 2:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is truth. Oprah is evil.
At 9:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
anyone craving that much power is derranged is has nothing to do with jelousy as some of you are crowing.
Also she is involved with eugenics front organizations
At 11:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey there, thanks for fighting the good fight regarding Oprah. Right now I'm writing a fictional story where she is the villain. However, in my research I keep finding more reasons why she is evil, mostly due to hypocrisy, connection to the Bilderbergers, and encouraging the dumbing down of society.
Thank you!
(To the Oprah fans, you aren't doing any favors to yourselves by posting such uneducated tripe!)
Down with Assholatry!
At 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
i totally agree with you. because of oprah, many of people are going to hell since she deceives them. she saws "all roads lead to god" BS. All roads dont lead to God. if you actually read the bible it says the only way to God is through faith in his Son, Jesus Christ, not Muhammed, not buddha, not any of that. and even more people are deceived by her into thinking that if they are just a good person they can get to heaven. well let me tell you something, there is NO SUCH THING AS A GOOD PERSON. people are douchebags. i dont care how much money you give to the needy, how much volunteer work you do, how many lives you have saved, no one is good. in the eyes of God our good works are nothing but dirty rags (bloody tampons), and i am quoting the bible on that (check, its in there). Dont buy into her lies, shes just playing on the Christian thing to make people think shes such a great person (SHES NOT). she is full of inconsistencies and is a complete hypocrite
At 1:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
She is not 'Devil', but she betrayed God's teaching.
She believes only herself and her own way.
Everything is not wrong if it goes according to her way.
But everything is wrong if it goes against her way.
She is evil in a way that she influence others in the wrong way. Luring people away from God's teaching, so there are more to join her.
I pray that one day she can put her heart back into the teaching of God. And trust in God. Walk the path of light. She has no idea who our God is.
At 10:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
let's just say that if Oprah and Glenn Beck had a baby it would be the person in this planet with the most flawed arguments, dumbest beliefs, fundamentally askewed morals, and deprived intelligence. not to mention it will be extremely ugly. pretty much it won't have anything going for him/her in this planet and just be burned at a stake by society. ( throw in the parents for good measure)
quick quote by the great General J. Caltono: "Oprah Winfrey preys off the weak minds of women to ultimately make a profit"
At 10:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
..and *SHOULD just be...
At 8:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM5ILOsHLnw&feature=related watch this video. At the beginning she is talking and there is a blurp in there. If you slow it down or pause it...it looks like a mans head on hers and her face looks weird...evil...it's just for a second so you have to pay attention to see it.
At 1:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Okay I am going to just put it out there, I never paid all that much attention to Oprah until this whole mess started with her just uttering a book title & it becomes a best-seller. As a life-long book lover, I have to say that her taste in books is astonishing. Only because if you have that much power over people, then keep your low-intellect tastes to yourself & pretend or lie about what you read. Don't push your crappy taste on everyone & just because Oprah went to college does not make her any kind of intellectual-journalism is one of the easiest degrees you can get & I am sure affirmative action helped her along the way though she would never admit it. She has an agenda & always has. I am not impressed with anything but her role in "The Color Purple"- as an actress-get it? She is entertaining in films not as a decision maker in my daily life. Unfortunately, she has become a decision-maker in the daily lives of my child's teachers & my coworkers & other people I have to share my day with. Yes, people really are that intellectually lacking & sub-par intelligent to allow someone with absolutely no authority other than a microphone & a TV camera to influence their reading,eating,political & religious habits. Those of you that are guilty of this-take a hard look & think for yourselves, really.If she was not a celebrity & lived next door, most of you would more than likely find her to be a bit pushy & opinionated. She does not have a background well-rounded enough to influence people's lives,I mean exactly what is she an authority on? From what experience is she basing her opinions on that she expects everyone to agree with her & on top of it, demand respect too?
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anyone who says Oprah is evil is actually pathetic. This woman has given the poorest of people opportunities that they thought they would never have. She donates over $5 million a year to different charities and has built a school in Africa for young African woman who would have had no future without her. Even if she is not following the bible or doing the Christian thing, she is still giving donations to children who are sick and people who are suffering, which in my book is not a bad thing. I bet if any of you people who call Oprah evil had half as much money as her you would not spend a dime or any of your time on helping others. OH and by the way in Oprahs will $1 billion of her money goes straight to charity. So if you guys think that evil then please tell me what isn't evil.
PS- Stop being a hater.
At 3:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, she publicizes her efforts to make a point. To show something called cause and effect, guys. It's really simple. You donate and help people. So what if she has gotten richer out of it? You guys are not focusing on the positives for others, or the sides of her donations that have not been televised. Do you honestly think that every charitable action of hers is published? Yes, some people are very charismatic, like Oprah and Obama, and do you honestly think that God would put charismatic people on this Earth if they weren't here to be the change or be the example? You do not think that modern people don't exist in positions of power who are the opposite, put here to be good and righteous? It is those who think that everything is a conspiracy and waste their life's time that are losing out. Go out and breathe some air instead of your computer's dust.
At 12:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Amen. Oprah is a new age guru. New age is against christ and the teachings of christ. Oprah denies christ and is brain washing people to a false perspective. She is a minion of evil and is leading people to hell. How do you think she's gained so much power and wealth. She has alot of influence on women and is responsible for the destruction of people's faith in the lord
At 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I Agree Oprah Winfrey: is a very Evil Person and one day all will come falling down around her !!! Jesus is Real the Tribulation is also and she won't able to stand because shes not a believer !!! but all will see who will stand in these last days :) and it won't be Oprah or Obama thats all I've Got to say about that !!!!!
At 10:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oprah is evil after killing her 7 month old child eating laundry soap and never feeling a connection to it the whole time she was pregnant seems abnormal.She said the child was born of poor choices so it was a boyfriends and not from rape of uncle or cousin.She goes on to say she was happy it died since it gave her a second chance.Yes Oprah money and power and fame and not everything and one day she will meet God and have to explain why she ate laundry soap and the possiblity that is killed that 7 month fetus.
At 10:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oprah is evil after killing her 7 month old child eating laundry soap and never feeling a connection to it the whole time she was pregnant seems abnormal.She said the child was born of poor choices so it was a boyfriends and not from rape of uncle or cousin.She goes on to say she was happy it died since it gave her a second chance.Yes Oprah money and power and fame and not everything and one day she will meet God and have to explain why she ate laundry soap and the possiblity that is killed that 7 month fetus.
At 7:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oprah WInfrey is a racist. She always complains that the white man is holding out on the black people. For example, after Katrina,Oprah Winfrey was complaining that the White Man would not bring down water to the people in New Orleans because they were mostly blacks. She had called someone to talk about this. She asked if they were not bringing water because they were black. He had said, No we can't bring water to them because the water is over 15ft. high. Even if they wanted too, they could not bring it there.
At 7:38 PM,
Unknown said…
That's a false person. Feel sorry for you for believing in it. Read the Bible. It talks that in end times many will say they are Christ and will perform miracles but people will be deceived. That's my message to you. You are being deceived.
At 3:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oprah is just the sign of our times. She's not"evil", just an opportunist. She loved Richard M. Daley, but so did many people. He was mayor for 21 years. Now she loves Rahm Emanuel and Donald Trump. If people were smarter, none of them would have had any influence today. She lies about many things and if you work for her you're not allowed talk about her or you're violating your employment contract. The best thing you can do is to ignore her. If everybody did that, she'd probably step in front of a train.
At 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know, contributing $5 million a year when you're worth several billion dollars is not very much. Especially when you can write it off.
At 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know it's telling that people would go a website dedicated bashing Orpah and use foul language to defend her. These people might have problems. If that's so, don't turn to Orpah to help you. She'll just ignore you. Go to a mental Heath phacility, if Rahm and Trump hasn't closed them all down. FTW.
At 9:46 PM,
Car Lady said…
The Trinity is an EVIL PAGAN LIE!
At 9:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oprah is evil. She has deceived so many people. All roads DO NOT lead to the Father. Jesus is THE ONLY WAY. Don't let yourself be deceived by this terrible woman.
Religion says look at yourself. Grace says look at the Lord Jesus Christ. Religion says look at your works. Grace says look at the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins. Religion says you must give God your life. Grace says God gave you his life, just receive. Religion says you must love God. Grace says God loves you. Religion says God comes and goes based upon your behavior. Grace says once saved I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Religion says sin can remove you from salvation. Grace says once saved you are a purchased possession sealed by the Holy Spirit of God. Religion is dead and can not give life. Grace is the Lord Jesus Christ and all he gives is life! <3 Salvation is not an earned reward but a free gift from God <3 we do not deserve Ephesians 2:8-9 1 Corinthians 15:1-4;1:18, KJV <3 ✝<3 It's not what we do, but what Christ has done for us that saves us. If you’re trusting in anything other than the finished work of Christ then you’re trusting in yourself instead of trusting in Christ alone. Salvation is not based on what we're doing for God, but what God has done for us. Our performance doesn't merit salvation. No amount of works can contribute to salvation. Satan tricks people into thinking that they're saved based on their behavior, the problem then becomes is that people trust in their ability to save themselves or keep themselves saved. No one can keep themselves saved, only Jesus does. Many people want to play a part in their salvation by trying to do their best, when in reality, our best could never be good enough. It comes down to this, either you trust in Christ's finished work, that He died to pay for your sins by shedding His blood was buried and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures for your justification or you trust what you’re doing. What Christ did was enough. IT IS FINISHED the question is. Will you receive it? Believe the gospel ALONE. Romans 4:5King James Version (KJV) "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Titus 3:5King James Version (KJV) "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;" Ephesians 2:8-9King James Version (KJV) "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Galatians 2:16King James Version (KJV) "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified." 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 King James Version (KJV) 3 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" 1 Corinthians 1:18 King James Version (KJV) "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
At 3:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow. You know what is really evil? Using social media to spread hate about any person. You call yourself a Christian? Shame on all of you very un-Christlike "Christians." If you find yourself hating Obama or Oprah in large groups of people, you might be not only perpetrating evil yourself, you might just be a racist.
At 8:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oprah is a cult leader ...
If you ask me, she's the perfect Christian - deluded and believing she's doing good, when, in fact, she is doing harm. In the true light of Christianity, she lives a life of plenty ... when there is tremendous suffering. She has so much material wealth, yet she has not kids to leave it all to in this lifetime. She lives a life of luxury and expense ... when there are millions dying of starvation. She is just one single person ... with luxurious houses all over the world ... sitting empty ... not being used or lived in other than for a few short days vacationing here and there ... yet there are millions suffering homelessness and hunger. If that ain't evil ... I don't know what is.
At 9:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Let’s see you say that when you face Jesus Christ very soon.
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