Listen to Me

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Some days I think it would be better to live like my birdies just go to the corner of my cage, rip up paper, turn my head under my wing and mutter at the world. I mean my cage would be my house or my room , over my wing would be over my shoulder, and I could mutter at the people in my house or the tv set. A way to avoid muttering at the tv is to not watch the news, Ophrah, and stuff like that - best to stick to comedy channel, and puff stuff. And above all say away from people they are the enemy with all their rules and regulations and crap in a couple of days you might feel better and be able to deal with the world. It's days like these I feel like Zorak you know in that old Space Ghost episode when he is stuck in the heating duct and he tell Brak and Space Ghost to go away because he wants to be alone and in the dark because what he is doing in there is private. I know a lot of people might not get this reference but no one is reading it anyway so fuck you world.


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