Listen to Me

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Optional Meanness

Have you ever had something happen toyou when people and you didn't even realize it until after you had a couple of hours to think about it? And even had to ask two people to see if what happend was mean. THIS is what happend to me I was knitting with a friend and another person who I was getting to know and in the conversatiion I mentioned that I was dyslexic, I have been diagnosed in the first grade and have had trouble all my life I don't even use IM because they don't have spellcheck The woman asked me to spell Massachusetts so I sounded it out t and this is what I spelled masschef she smirked and said that is how it is spelled phonectically and then my friend Erika a said most adults can't spell Massachusetts and when I came home and thought about it_ this woman is kind of snotty anyway with comments like rich upper class intelligent good looking would not be interested in a woman with tatoos and to compensate for such a bitchy comment she showed me her crappy ass tatoo on her shoulder that could be easily concealed and it wasn't even that good. or unique Tatoo snobbery aside I think the thing about my spelling and my disability was really nasty and went too far I am used to people making nasty comments about my tatoos and nice people saying nice thing s but my dyslexia is something I was born with and there was no treatment or cure for someone my age if you think about this it is no different than being made fun of for any other thing you can't help my tatoos were my choice and I love them and am proud of them but having a learning disability and mental illness issomething I can't help and am not proud of Kate out


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