Listen to Me

Friday, October 13, 2006


The title of my blog is Spooky. Because my little black cat Spooky is sitting on my lap and I was having trould thinking of a title and she is purring a humming to me. It is Friday the 13th and I have had two black cats cross my path today I've always believed black cats wrre good luck maybe it's because I'm of Scottish descent and Scots believe black cats are good luck It is only dumbasses believe blck cats are bad luck Spooky is roaring as i wriyr thiskhjhy yh dhthis is what Spooky days to you my birdies they want to be put to bed Peanut whoe picture is on my blog decided to eat indian food today off my fork hope he doesn't get the runs I know I write a lot about my pets but they amuse me and if you don't like it you don't have to read it Katevb and Spooky


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