Listen to Me

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ode To John Waters

I was looking through my own blogs and I noticed I had a subscriber my blog manager still says I have no subscribers Alyssa I know you are a real human but because your avatar is your rottweiler. I like to think your dog is the one reading my stuff you know he is sitting in the chair with his paws on the keyboard typing away that is my mental picture I don't generally go through myspace profiles but I always look at the people who write to me and when I was drunk one night I went through a bunch of them I notice people frequently talk about their hero so I figured I would talk about mine a little bit I'm not going to bore you with the usual ones like Gandhi, Einstein, or even Tim Burton which my left forearm is indebted to with nightmare before Christmas I want to talk about john waters maybe its because I'm from Maryland but I love his movies and sense of humor like his last movie dirty shame he actually asked one of the guys from my tattoo parlor to be in the film and he is in the biker bar scene with the topless dancer and I llike crybaby not because of Johnny depp but because te amusement park that was in it was enchanted forest and I used to go there as a kid I've seen all the movies but it is hard to get anything before polyester but I did get to see female trouble which was made the year I was born thanks to the independent film channel which doesn't believe in censorship I still have yet to see pink flamingo with divine eating shit and I think a talking butthole because you need this stuff uncensored or you just won't get it because I saw dirty shame in the theater and I thought I was funny as all get out but I also rented it when it came out before I got my dvd from a local video store it was so censored it made no fucking sense I've also read both his books shock value and crackpot shock value I bought it was in poor condition the cover wasn't en even attached they don't take care of his books if there are more of his books out there someone please tell me they still hide some of his stuff but because hairspray was a success he is getting more and more known this makes me happy



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