Listen to Me

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

More dating crap

My friend Shannon and I (she's the one helping me with all the technical stuff like even helping me with my blogs) found out that one of the date sites wasn't notifying me of my mail! This one in particular has been active since August. So, we went to look into it and I got 20 messages; all scams most out of the country. I'm also happy to say I've gotten comments on my blogs; one at my space and one at blogger. I was happy to get them, and they weren't mean.

Now other stuff. I was feeling a little sick this weekend and a friend of mine who just had knee surgery wanted me to meet her at my knitting hangout and give her some reiki. But, I found out there was new anime` on in the afternoon. I picked anime` over seeing my friend. Now, I did say that I could see her after my show but she could only do it in the morning so I didn't go. Sometimes I worry I'm too obsessed with anime` I'm thinking of getting DVR so i won't have to worry any more so I can watch whatever I want whenever I want.



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